Selected Book Publications
UNCITRAL Guide to the New York Convention (co-author, E. Gaillard) (2016)
International Arbitration and Private International law (General Course in Private International Law, Hague Academy of International Law (2017)
Interpretation and Application of the New York Convention by National Courts (Springer Pub. 2016)
Mandatory Rules in International Arbitration (Juris Pub. 2011)
Transnational Litigation (West Pub. 2003, 2d ed. forthcoming 2018)
Introduction to French Law (Kluwer 2010) (co-edited with. E. Picard)
Cases and Materials on European Union Law (West Pub. 4th ed. 2016) (co-authored)
American Bar Association Guide to European Union Administrative Law (ABA Pub., 2008)
Other Selected Publications
The Role of National Courts at the Threshold of Arbitration (forthcoming in Am. Rev. Int’l Arb.)
The ECT and European Law (forthcoming in M. Scherer, International Arbitration in the Energy Sector (forthcoming, Oxford Univ. Press 2018)
European Union Law as a Jurisdictional and Substantive Defense to Investor/State Liability (in F. Ferrari, ed., Juris Pub. 2017)
The Yukos Annulment: Answered and Unanswered Questions, 27 Am. Rev. Int’l Arb. 1 (2016)
International Standards as a Choice of Law Option in International Arbitration, 27 Am. Rev. Int’l Arb. ___ (2017)
Limits to Party Autonomy in Composition of the Arbitral Panel, in Limits to Party Autonomy in International Commercial Arbitration 83 (F. Ferrari, ed., Juris Pub. 2016)
Jurisdiction in international Arbitration: Courts v. Arbitrators, in International Commercial Arbitration in New York (eds. J. Carter & D. Lindsey) (2d ed., Oxford Univ. Press 2016)
International Commercial Arbitration: Present Challenges and Future Prospects: Festschrift for John Beechey (2017)
Sounds and Silences: Case note on the Gazprom Judgment of the European Court of Justice, 22 Maastricht J. Eur. & Comp. L. 888 (2015)
The “Gateway Problem” in International Commercial Arbitration, 37 Yale Journal of International Law 1 (2012)
Navigating EU Law and the Law of International Arbitration, 28 Arb. Int’l 397 (2012)
Arbitrability Trouble, 23 Am. Rev. Int’l Arb. 367 (2012)
The Supreme Court Trilogy and its Impact on U.S. Arbitration Law, 22 Amer. Rev. Int’l Arb. 551 (2011)
The UK Supreme Court Speaks to International Arbitration: Learning from the Dallah Case, 22 Am. Rev. Int’l Arb 1 (2011)
Mandatory Rules in International Commercial Arbitration, in Conflict of Laws in International Arbitration (F. Ferrari & S. Kroll, eds., 325, Sellier Pub., 2010)
Ascertaining the Parties’ Intentions in Arbitral Design, 113 Penn St. L. Rev. 993 (2009)
American Exceptionalism in International Arbitration, in Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2011 (Arthur Rovine, ed., 3, Martinus Nijhoff 2012)
Domesticating the New York Convention: The Impact of the Federal Arbitration Act, 2011 J. Int’l Disp. Settlement 317 (2011); also in Comparative Perspectives on international Arbitration (Giuditta Cordero Moss, ed., Cambridge Univ. Press, 2012)
Parallel Jurisdiction: Is Convergence Possible?, 2011Ybk. Priv. Int’l L. 21 (2012)
The European Law Institute: A Transatlantic Perspective: Festschrift for Prof. Bernard Audit (2016)
U.S. Class Actions and the ‘Global Class’, 19 Kan. J. L. & Pub. Policy 91 (2009)